Saturday, February 07, 2009

Winter Knitting

Seems like all I want to do anymore is knit and then knit some more and then spin and then knit again...I realize that this is not all bad...but I accomplished almost nothing else during the entire month of January and I still have to update my website and complete writing, editing and mailing the winter issue of the Tea-and-Roses Quarterly before the winter is over!! My 'sock knitting addiction' keeps growing and I have three different pairs on needles right now...I am totally committed to the Magic Loop method of sock knitting and next time I will be casting on two socks at more second-sock-syndrome for me. We have had a wonderful winter in NJ...lots of cold weather and just enough snow to keep everything white but not really get in the way of life (unlike the poor people in the Midwest) since before Christmas and I really don't want it to I am not crazy...I just love cold weather, snow and warm hand-knit socks (so does my DH) and turtlenecks and warm hand-knit sweaters and a raging fire in the fireplace and a steaming cup of tea and my knitting needles and hand-dyed and/or hand-spun yarn and my books (when I need a brief respite from knitting and spinning), good music (listening to the Met's production of Lucia di Lammermoor as I type)...doesn't get much better than that...IMHO :-)

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