Friday, October 29, 2010

Spinning Mornings

I have decided it is time to resume my 'Spinning Mornings' because I have not been spinning at all lately and I really miss the peace and quiet and sense of fulfillment these few minutes in the morning at my spinning wheel provide to me. And I know if I don't spin in the morning, I never seem to get to it later in the day. So, on this beautiful Autumn morning, when the Japanese maple tree outside the window I spin in front of is at its most glorious red, 
Japanese Maple in all its red glory.
I sat down at my wheel and gifted myself 30 minutes of spinning some glorious brown (of course) Jacob roving. It was exactly as Zen-like as I remembered and after just a few moments I was moving smoothly along spinning at 32 WPI (which will 2-ply with some beautiful light brownish-creamy Jacob roving  I just happen to have in my stash, to 16 WPI and will give me a lovely sock weight yarn). If I keep this up, I should be able to get through my entire roving stash in................
Jacob roving with newly spun single @ 32 WPI
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Friday, October 22, 2010

Another Week in Paradise

Just a few photos from our last get-away to our favorite spot in Maine - Topside Inn in Boothbay Harbor. The weather was spectacular and we had a wonderful week of eating, reading, walking and then reading, eating, walking and then walking, eating, reading, get the idea. I also got a bit of knitting in but this was more of a reading holiday - finished 3 books while I was there...and didn't feel guilty about just sitting and that is joy!
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