Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Many Projects Are Too Many?

Lately, I have been dreaming about new knitting & spinning projects to do...instead of actually knitting & spinning on the projects I already have on my needles and wheels (or writing in my blog about dreaming on new projects to start). I don't really want to work on any of the projects I already have going...I just want to START more projects. Now, I know that makes no sense because how will I ever finish the projects I have started so I can, in good conscience, start more projects. A true conundrum! Yesterday during the beautiful 10"snowfall, DH and I spent almost 3 hours on the swift and ball winder converting 14 skeins of yarn into balls so I can start new projects. Of course, if I had spent that time knitting or spinning on projects I already had going. I would have made a nice head-way into finishing at least one of them. Now, it is not that I don't like what I am knitting or spinning...I do. I like them all very much and I am not bored because each project is different (socks, lace shawl, spinning llama fiber) and each is enjoyable and satisfying in its own right. So, WHY am I spending more time dreaming of other projects and surfing the web for pattern and yarn options or searching on Ravelry for pattern suggestions...instead of actually working on the projects I have started. My question you do that too?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy - Belated - New Year!

I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday...we certainly did. Our niece and her family joined us for a NY Christmas (they live in Albuquerque, NM) - something we have wanted to do for a very long time. We had a wonderful whirlwind of a time...even being in NYC on the day of the Blizzard.  I spent  December preparing for their visit and my annual Christmas Eve Tea and then early January getting back on track with normal living...and writing in my blog is one of the 'normal' things.

Before the holidays I was doing a lot of knitting - but everything was for gifts - now I am back to knitting for me in a much more relaxed atmosphere (alright, I will still knit for others but for right know it is for me) and I am trying to get my 10-minutes of spinning in every morning. I am also thoroughly enjoying this Winter weather...snow and cold - just loving it!
The view from my 'spinning window' today
I am spinning up some Llama fiber for a project for my cousin (the llama rancher and gourd artisan in CO). I had spun some before Christmas and realized there wasn't enough for the project I am planning, I am not going to mention the actual project because it is supposed to be a surprise!

And I have been knitting on my Parisienne Shawl and a pair of socks for me. I love both the sock yarn (Zen Yarn Garden Serenity 20) will never guess what color they are - and the pattern - Fluted Banister by Laura Gregory. The socks are knitting up fast and the yarn is so soft and warm that I am anxious to get these socks done while the weather is so wonderfully cold!

I had better start knitting these socks faster as I am awaiting delivery of a few more skeins of sock yarn...Yes, I admit it! I am a 'Sock Yarnaholic' - I already have more sock yarn then I will be able to knit in this lifetime but there is so much more out there- I am powerless to resist; but it is partly The Yarnarian's fault, her yarns & patterns are lovely. I will be using some of the sock yarn to knit lacy small triangular shawls (this has become another obsession of's all Rita's fault :-) ...but there is still TOO much....and then I have some wonderful BROWN yarn to knit a perfect sweater and then there are the felted clogs & socks for DH and a project for DC (dear cousin) and fiber to spin and.........OK...stop typing and start knitting!!