Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hello Again!

It has been a difficult start to the year 2011 - DH had a major back problem starting in January and my uncle has been quite ill since mid-February and then I have been spending more time at the doctor's & in physical therapy than I have ever wanted to do - so blogging has taken a back seat to my life...and now with the weather turning 'hot & humid' I lose lots of energy Yech! But I have been knitting and just finished up my 4th pair of socks this year - Yeah!
The above socks were knit 2-at-a-time toe-up with sport weight yarn and I am quite pleased with the results...they are quite soft (10% cahsmere) and I look forward to cold weather so I can wear them. Time to head out to Wednesday night knitting...what should I cast-on to take with me? So much yarn to choose about a pair of socks in brown...for something different :-)

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