Sunday, June 22, 2008

Teapot Cosies...or is it Cozies

One of my favorite knitting projects...and I always have one on my a teapot cosy. This is the UK way of spelling what is known as a 'cozy' in the US. Teapot cosies are small projects that are quick to finish and make great gifts to any tea-loving friends...and there are SO many, many patterns available. The one to the right is a classic...found in most Brisish homes and a lot of fun to knit. TnR just did a Teapot Cosy workshop at a local tea-room and while the participants sipped tea and indulged in delectable desserts, they learned how to make one of these cosies from a kit available through
And one of the best things about this pattern is that it can be modified to fit ANY size pot. A friend has requested one in orange and cream (kind of like a creamsicle) for a short and stout teapot she got from her grandmother...this is one of the projects I will be working on this week as I relax on our Maine holiday.

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